Monday, April 23, 2007

Publisher seems like a cool program to use. I took one of those one credit classes several years ago but never did anything with it. Now that we have dabbled in it relating to this class I think that it might motivate me to do something with it.

Now that the class is almost over, my goal will be to spend the next couple of months to try to figure out how I will incorporate the ideas into my teaching for next year. Its a bonus to have you both right in the school to use as a resouce and also to have the gold page to refer back to anytime we need to.

1 comment:

skoelker said...

Next year is always looming, eh? Hard to get it arranged unless there's time to pull the plug on the merry-go-round and focus on it without distraction. I really hope we can set time aside regularly to help with that. Maybe during prep time on a regular basis? You know you, Lee, and Robin have all taken the course now and Jeanette's done quite a bit of laptop stuff, too. What if we scheduled sessions starting after NWEAs? A sudden idea...
